Winterizing your boat is an important part of your model’s seasonal maintenance. Skipping this important step will leave your model dirty and rusted come springtime, and you’ll likely have to visit a repair center to get your boat back in working order. To keep this from happening to you, be sure to read our helpful guide below on how to winterize and prep your model for winter storage.

Clean Your Boat 

To ensure your boat comes out of winter storage without any rust stains or pest infestations, you’ll need to clean both the interior and exterior of your model. While cleaning your exterior, be sure to use wax and polish, and ensure that your model is completely dry before putting on your cover.

For the interior, you’ll want to be sure to take care of any rust that’s appeared on your model’s metal implements, as well as any mildew that may have appeared around the deck. Be sure to remove any trash or foodstuff that could attract pests, and pick up any important items you don’t want to stay on board while your model is tucked away in storage. 


Before you place your boat in storage for the season, you’ll need to perform some important maintenance tasks. To start, we recommend giving your model a complete oil change, as well as inspecting other fluids for signs of discoloration, dirt, or debris. If fluids are low be sure to top them off, or flush and replace them completely if they seem dirty. 

Before you finish up, be sure to remove your boat’s battery and attach it to a tender. This will keep your battery alive throughout the long winter season so you can quickly reinstall it come springtime and head off toward blue waters. 

Need help getting your boat ready for its long stay in winter storage? Then be sure to visit us here at East Coast Flightcraft Inc! We offer a number of dealerships all over the East Coast and each one of our locations is fully staffed with an expert team of boat mechanics. If you’re located in the states of Massachusetts or Rhode Island, we encourage you to visit us here at East Coast Flightcraft Inc. for all of your boat’s maintenance needs.